[MIT Press Ltd]
Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
Philosophers and scientists have long speculated about the nature
of color. Atomists such as Democritus thought
color to be "conventional," not real; Galileo and other
key figures of...
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Philosophers and scientists have long speculated about the nature
of color. Atomists such as Democritus thought color to be
"conventional," not real; Galileo and other key figures of the
Scientific Revolution thought that it was an erroneous projection
of our own sensations onto external objects. More recently,
philosophers have enriched the debate about color by aligning the
most advanced color science with the most sophisticated methods of
analytical philosophy. In this volume, leading scientists and
philosophers examine new problems with new analytic tools,
considering such topics as the psychophysical measurement of color
and its implications, the nature of color experience in both normal
color-perceivers and the color blind, and questions that arise from
what we now know about the neural processing of color information,
color consciousness, and color language. Taken together, these
papers point toward a complete restructuring of current orthodoxy
concerning color experience and how it relates to objective
reality.Kuehni, Jameson, Mausfeld, and Niederee discuss how the
traditional framework of a three-dimensional color space and basic
color terms is far too simple to capture the complexities of color
experience. Clark and MacLeod discuss the difficulties of a
materialist account of color experience. Churchland, Cohen,
Matthen, and Westphal offer competing accounts of color ontology.
Finally, Broackes and Byrne and Hilbert discuss the phenomenology
of color blindness. Contributors: Justin Broackes, Alex Byrne, Paul
M. Churchland, Austen Clark, Jonathan Cohen, David R. Hilbert,
Kimberly A. Jameson, Rolf Kuehni, Don I.A. MacLeod, Mohan Matthen,
Rainer Mausfeld, Richard Niederee, Jonathan Westphal The hardcover
edition does not include a dust jacket.