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  • [CaliVita® International, Berlin, Connecticut 06037, USA.]

    Kategoria: Produkty CaliVita > WitaminyWysyłka: do 3 dni

    Witaminy z grupy B Stress Management 100 tabletek - masa netto:103 g   SUPLEMENT DIETY Stres jest częścią naszego życia. Pozytywny motywuje i zwiększa naszą produktywność. Jednak stres negaty... Pełen opis produktu 'Witaminy z grupy B Stress Management Calivita 100 tab.103 g' »

    Witaminy z grupy B Stress Management 100 tabletek - masa netto:103 g   SUPLEMENT DIETY Stres jest częścią naszego życia. Pozytywny motywuje i zwiększa naszą produktywność. Jednak stres negatywny burzy spokój w naszym życiu i niekorzystnie wpływa na zdrowie. Wspomóż zatem swój organizm poprzez odpowiedni styl życia i zbilansowaną dietę!       Jak działają witaminy z grupy B? skutecznie wspomagają prawidłowe funkcjonowanie układu nerwowego (witaminy B1, B2, B6, B12, niacyna, foliany, kwas pantotenowy, cholina) przyczyniają się do utrzymania odpowiedniego metabolizmu energetycznego (witaminy B1, B2, B6, B12, niacyna, foliany, kwas pantotenowy, cholina) zmniejszają uczucie zmęczenia i znużenia (witaminy B1, B2, B6, B12, niacyna, foliany, kwas pantotenowy, cholina) biorą udział w utrzymaniu prawidłowych funkcji psychologicznych (witaminy B1, B6, B12, niacyna, foliany) pomagają w utrzymaniu sprawności umysłowej na prawidłowym poziomie (kwas pantotenowy) korzystnie wpływają na serce (witamina B1) wspomagają zachować zdrową skórę, stan błon śluzowych (witamina B2, niacyna) przyczyniają się do utrzymania prawidłowego widzenia (witamina B2) dbają o odpowiedni metabolizm żelaza (witamina B2) biorą udział w ochronie komórek przed stresem oksydacyjnym (witamina B2) wspomagają stan krwinek czerwonych (witaminy B2, B6) odgrywają istotną rolę w syntezie cysteiny, regulacji aktywności hormonalnej oraz w metabolizmie białek, glikogenu (witamina B6) biorą udział w metabolizmie homocysteiny (witaminy B6, B12, foliany, cholina) korzystnie wpływają na układ odpornościowy (witaminy B6, B12, foliany) odgrywają istotną rolę w procesie podziału komórek (witamina B12, foliany) pomagają w prawidłowej syntezie aminokwasów (foliany) biorą udział w produkcji krwi (foliany) uczestniczą w syntezie i metabolizmie hormonów steroidowych, witaminy D oraz niektórych neuroprzekaźników (kwas pantotenowy) wspomagają funkcjonowanie wątroby (cholina) Ważnym składnikiem produktu jest również witamina C, wykazująca działanie antyoksydacyjne oraz wspomagająca aktywność układu odpornościowego i układu nerwowego. Komu szczególnie polecamy? Osobom narażonym na codzienny stres związany z pracą lub stylem życia. Osobom podejmującym wzmożony wysiłek umysłowy i fizyczny. Każdemu, kto chce wzmocnić swój układ nerwowy.    Składniki: stabilizator: celuloza mikrokrystaliczna, diwinian choliny, inozytol, substancja przeciwzbrylająca: węglan wapnia, diglicynian magnezu, witamina C, substancja przeciwzbrylająca: kwasy tłuszczowe (kwas stearynowy), substancja wypełniająca: sól sodowa karboksymetylocelulozy usieciowana, niacyna, substancja przeciwzbryląjąca:  sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych (stearynian magnezu), substancja przeciwzbrylająca: dwutlenek krzemu, kwas pantotenowy, witamina B6, ryboflawina (witamina B2), tiamina (witamina B1), barwnik naturalny: ryboflawina, witamina B12, kwas foliowy. Uwagi!  Podczas przyjmowania witamin z grupy B, mocz może stać się ciemnożółty i mieć specyficzny zapach. Nie należy przekraczać zalecanej porcji do spożycia w ciągu dnia. Suplementy diety nie mogą być stosowane jako substytut (zamiennik) zróżnicowanej diety. Zrównoważony sposób żywienia i zdrowy tryb życia jest ważny dla funkcjonowania organizmu.Nie używaj produktu, jeśli brakuje zewnętrznej folii zabezpieczającej lub jest ona uszkodzona. Przeciwwskazania:  Nadwrażliwość na składniki preparatu. Ostrzeżenie: Osoby ze skłonnościami do uczuleń, przyjmujące preparaty lecznicze, mające problemy zdrowotne, kobiety w ciąży i karmiące piersią przed zastosowaniem preparatu powinny skonsultować się z lekarzem. Warunki przechowywania: produkt należy przechowywać zamknięty, w suchym i chłodnym miejscu. Suplementy diety powinny być przechowywane w sposób niedostępny dla małych dzieci. Producent:  CaliVita® International, Berlin, Connecticut 06037, USA.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Witaminy z grupy B Stress Management Calivita 100 tab.103 g

  • [Springer Nature Switzerland AG]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    This book examines the complex impact of prenatal stress and the mechanism of its transmission on children's development and well-being, including prenatal programming, epigenetics, infl amma... Pełen opis produktu 'Prenatal Stress and Child Development' »

    This book examines the complex impact of prenatal stress and the mechanism of its transmission on children's development and well-being, including prenatal programming, epigenetics, infl ammatory processes, and the brain-gut microbiome. It analyzes current findings on prenatal stressors affecting pregnancy, including preconception stress, prenatal maternal depression, anxiety, and pregnancy-specific anxieties. Chapters explore how prenatal stress affects cognitive, affective, behavioral, and neurobiological development in children while pinpointing core processes of adaptation, resilience, and interventions that may reduce negative behaviors and promote optimal outcomes in children. Th is complex perspective on mechanisms by which early environmental influences interact with prenatal programming of susceptibility aims to inform clinical strategies and future research targeting prenatal stress and its cyclical impact on subsequent generations.Key areas of coverage include:The developmental effects of prenatal maternal stress on children.Epigenetic effects of prenatal stress.Intergenerational transmission of parental early life stress.The microbiome-gut-brain axis and the effects of prenatal stress on early neurodevelopment.The effect of prenatal stress on parenting.Gestational stress and resilience.Prenatal stress and children's sleeping behavior.Prenatal, perinatal, and population-based interventions to prevent psychopathology.Prenatal Stress and Child Development is an essential resource for researchers, professors and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and related professionals in infancy and early childhood development, maternal and child health, developmental psychology, pediatrics, social work, child and adolescent psychiatry, developmental neuroscience, and related behavioral and social sciences and medical disciplines.Excerpt from the foreword:"I would make the plea that in addition to anyone with an interest in child development, this book should be essential reading for researchers pursuing "pre-clinical, basic science models of neurodevelopment and brain health".... This book provides what in my mind is the most advanced compilation of existing knowledge and state-of-the-art science in the field of prenatal psychiatry/psychology (and perhaps in the entire field of prenatal medicine).  This volume can brilliantly serve to focus future directions in our understanding of the perinatal determinants of brain health."Michael J MeaneyJames McGill Professor of MedicineTranslational Neuroscience Programme Adjunct Professor of Paediatrics
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Prenatal Stress and Child Development

  • [Springer, Berlin]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    Burnout and trauma related employment stress (TRES), which includes compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, and vicarious trauma, are increasing in prevalence as attrition rates,... Pełen opis produktu 'Burnout and Trauma Related Employment Stress' »

    Burnout and trauma related employment stress (TRES), which includes compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, and vicarious trauma, are increasing in prevalence as attrition rates, mental health disturbances, and suicide rates are climbing for those in the helping professions. This book highlights the imperative for prevention and early intervention using acceptance and commitment strategies. It includes cognitive, acceptance, and mindfulness techniques to assist the individual in achieving goals through values-based living. Among the topics discussed:
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Burnout and Trauma Related Employment Stress

  • [Springer Nature Switzerland AG]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    This book is a clinician's guide to understanding, diagnosing, treating, and healing complex posttraumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). C-PTSD, a diagnostic entity to be included in ICD-11 in 20... Pełen opis produktu 'Healing Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder' »

    This book is a clinician's guide to understanding, diagnosing, treating, and healing complex posttraumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). C-PTSD, a diagnostic entity to be included in ICD-11 in 2022, denotes a severe form of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and is the result of prolonged and repeated interpersonal trauma. The author provides guidance on healing complex trauma through phase-oriented, multimodal, and skill-focused treatment approaches, with a core emphasis on symptom relief and functional improvement. Readers will gain familiarity with the integrative healing techniques and modalities that are currently being utilized as evidence-based treatments, including innovative multi-sensory treatments for trauma, in addition to learning more about posttraumatic growth and resilience. Each chapter of this guide navigates readers through the complicated field of treating and healing complex trauma, including how to work with clients also impacted by the shared collective trauma of COVID-19, and is illustrated by case examples. Topics explored include: Complex layered trauma Dissociation Trauma and the body The power of belief An overview of psychotherapy modalities for the treatment of complex trauma Ego state work and connecting with the inner child Turning wounds into wisdom: resilience and posttraumatic growth Vicarious trauma and professional self-care for the trauma clinician It is important for clinicians to be aware of contemporary trends in treating C-PTSD. Healing Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is an essential text for mental health practitioners, clinical social workers, and other clinicians; academics; and graduate students, in addition to other professionals and students interested in C-PTSD. It is an attractive resource for an international clinical audience as we work together to heal, affirm, and unburden clients following this time of shared collective trauma.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Healing Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

  • [Springer, Berlin]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    This handbook presents an overview of research on test anxiety and related forms of students' stress and anxiety at schools and other academic environments, and also brings together a series Pełen opis produktu 'Handbook of Stress and Academic Anxiety' »

    This handbook presents an overview of research on test anxiety and related forms of students' stress and anxiety at schools and other academic environments, and also brings together a series of psychological interventions to prevent and treat anxiety disorders related to academic assessments. Its aim is to inform about strategies that help promote more adaptive behaviors towards academic assessment, as well as discuss other variables (e.g., bullying) that influence test anxiety, a typical stressor at the school and academic environment. These stressors can impair the students' socio-cognitive development, impairing their ability to study and posing a risk to their mental health. The volume is organized in three parts. The first part brings together chapters discussing different variables and processes associated with academic anxiety, such as test anxiety and social influence, academic motivation, bullying, and procrastination. The second part is completely dedicated to psychological interventions with students designed to promote adaptive coping strategies to deal with academic anxiety and to prevent the development of psychopathologies associated with it. These interventions are based on different approaches, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, analytic behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and mindfulness, among others. Finally, the third part presents strategies that teachers can adopt to manage academic anxiety.The Handbook of Stress and Academic Anxiety: Psychological Processes and Interventions with Students and Teachers will be a valuable resource for school and clinical psychologists, teachers, school managers and policy makers by providing information based on the best scientific evidences to help students cope with academic anxiety, prevent the development of psychopathologies associated with it and promote mental health at schools and other academic environments.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Handbook of Stress and Academic Anxiety

  • [Springer International Publishing AG]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    Dermatological conditions are intimately related to stress. Stress can affect, reveal or even exacerbate a number of skin disorders including alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis,... Pełen opis produktu 'Stress and Skin Disorders' »

    Dermatological conditions are intimately related to stress. Stress can affect, reveal or even exacerbate a number of skin disorders including alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, pruritus, herpes, lichen planus, rosacea and urticarial. On the other hand, the skin disease itself could induce a secondary stress for the patient, influencing his or her quality of life. There is increasing evidence that stress influences disease processes and contributes to inflammation through the modulating hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis -- releasing neuropeptides, neurotrophins, lymphokines and other chemical mediators from nerve endings to dermal cells. This is one of the first books published on this topic, focusing more on the basic science aspects of stress in dermatopathology (oxidants, antioxidants, and oxidative injury in dermatopathology, dermatopharmacology, and dermatotoxicology. Most Psychodermatology texts currently available adopt a practical approach to identify all types of Psychodermatology disorders, focusing on clinical treatment. This concise title offers a comprehensive and didactic approach to skin diseases caused or exacerbated by stress, as well as covering the immunology, role and effect of stress on skin disease, and quality of life in dermatology. In the current programs of medical residency in dermatology, little is taught about the relationship between stress and skin diseases. This book will be an important tool for young dermatologists and psychodermatologists in training.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Stress and Skin Disorders

  • [Springer, Berlin]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    The prevention of oxidative stress and its consequent damage is imperative to ensure a successful outcome of the in vitro fertilization procedure and embryo transfer. Strategies that could Pełen opis produktu 'Strategies to Ameliorate Oxidative Stress During Assisted Reproduction, 1' »

    The prevention of oxidative stress and its consequent damage is imperative to ensure a successful outcome of the in vitro fertilization procedure and embryo transfer. Strategies that could be employed to minimize or prevent the detrimental effects of OS during assisted reproduction include supplementation with various types of antioxidants. This book discusses the various antioxidants that are in use to overcome oxidative stress in an assisted reproduction setting. Antioxidant therapies may range from enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants, either alone or in combination. While no one antioxidant regime has been identified as effective in improving fertilization and pregnancy rates, antioxidant supplementation has been shown to defend sperm cells from lipid peroxidation and oxidative damage to DNA, and thus improve pregnancy rates.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Strategies to Ameliorate Oxidative Stress During Assisted Reproduction, 1

  • [Springer]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    This book presents recent findings about the consequences and policy implications of economic stress for human capital development and family well-being in Asia. The scope of the chapters goes... Pełen opis produktu 'Economic Stress, Human Capital, and Families in Asia' »

    This book presents recent findings about the consequences and policy implications of economic stress for human capital development and family well-being in Asia. The scope of the chapters goes beyond the impact of current financial crisis to include the effect of economic deprivation families in Asia experience as a result of job loss, low-wage employment, and catastrophic natural calamities. The studies show how macro-level economic stress can filter down through households to affect individuals economic and socio-psychological well-being. The chapters reveal a wide spectrum of economic stresses experienced by families in Asia that is linked to poor human capital development, emotional distress, health problems, changing fertility patterns, more frequent geographic movement, and less supportive parenting behavior. The elderly, women, children, low-skilled workers are particularly vulnerable. The economic shocks in the past several decades have exposed the vulnerability of the family institution and the weaknesses in this region s social protection system that can lead to detrimental long-term effects on human capital development. This book is relevant for researchers and students in fields such as Family Studies, Globalization, Development, Social Problems, Social Stratification, Social Inequalities, Poverty and Welfare, Education, and Social Policies.§
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Economic Stress, Human Capital, and Families in Asia

  • [Springer, Berlin]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    This book is a collection of comprehensive reviewed chapters covering major physiological aspects, both production as well as biochemical aspects, of a plant under low temperature stress. Low Pełen opis produktu 'Physiological Processes in Plants Under Low Temperature Stress' »

    This book is a collection of comprehensive reviewed chapters covering major physiological aspects, both production as well as biochemical aspects, of a plant under low temperature stress. Low temperature stress has been dealt in two parts, first between 10 to 00 C and secondly between 0 to -400 C.  This book highlights the physiological aspects of plants under low temperature stress and explains the various adaptive measures plants undergo to tolerate low temperature stress. Essential information is provided on germination, growth and development, dry matter accumulation, partitioning and final yield of a crop plant. As physiology deals with morphological and biochemical aspect of all the basic processes, therefore an in depth understanding the major physiological issues in plants under high temperature will help plant breeders to tailor different crop plants with desirable physiological traits to do better under higher temperature. The present book is intended to cover the effects of low temperature stress on the various physiological aspects in plants. Not only in production physiology, this book also deals with major biochemical processes, like photosynthesis, nitrogen and lipid metabolism, mineral nutrition and plant growth hormones. Efforts have been made deal with different measures to mitigate the effects of low temperature stress on plants. This book will be an asset for post graduate students, faculty members, researchers engaged in not only in physiological studies but also agronomy, plant breeding and like subjects. In depth analysis of the major physiological processes in plants under low temperature stress that are presented in this book will help plant breeders for tailoring crops for desirable physiological traits needed to survive and to give better economic return under the threats of low temperature stress. This book is also helpful for policy planners and industries engaged in agribusiness in short term as well as long term gain.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Physiological Processes in Plants Under Low Temperature Stress

  • [Springer Verlag, Singapore]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    interactions. Topics considered include the importance of microbial secondary metabolites in stimulating plant growth, induced systemic resistance, tolerance to abiotic stress, and biological... Pełen opis produktu 'Plant Microbiome: Stress Response' »

    This book presents state-of-the-art research on the many facets of the plant microbiome, including diversity, ecology, physiology and genomics, as well as molecular mechanisms of plant-microbe interactions. Topics considered include the importance of microbial secondary metabolites in stimulating plant growth, induced systemic resistance, tolerance to abiotic stress, and biological control of plant pathogens.The respective contributions show how microbes help plants to cope with abiotic stresses, and represent significant progress toward understanding the complex regulatory networks critical to host-microbe interaction and plant adaptation in extreme environments. New insights into the mechanisms of microbial actions in inducing plant stress tolerance open new doors for improving the efficacy of microbial strategies, and could produce new ways of economically increasing crop yields without harming the environment. As such, this book offers an essential resource for students and researchers with an interest in plant-microbe interaction, as well as several possibilities for employing the plant microbiome in the enhancement of crop productivity under future climate change scenarios.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Plant Microbiome: Stress Response

  • [Springer-Verlag New York Inc.]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    This is the first textbook on the Stress Field of the Earth`s Crust. It provides a brick by brick development of stress concept - Maths, Physics, Mechanics and Solid Earth.§ Pełen opis produktu 'Stress Field of the Earth's Crust' »

    This is the first textbook on the Stress Field of the Earth`s Crust. It provides a brick by brick development of stress concept - Maths, Physics, Mechanics and Solid Earth.§
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Stress Field of the Earth's Crust

  • [Springer International Publishing AG]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    This book focuses on early germination, one of maize germplasm most important strategies for adapting to drought-induced stress. Some genotypes have the ability to adapt by either reducing wa... Pełen opis produktu 'Drought Stress in Maize (Zea mays L.)' »

    This book focuses on early germination, one of maize germplasm most important strategies for adapting to drought-induced stress. Some genotypes have the ability to adapt by either reducing water losses or by increasing water uptake. Drought tolerance is also an adaptive strategy that enables crop plants to maintain their normal physiological processes and deliver higher economical yield despite drought stress. Several processes are involved in conferring drought tolerance in maize: the accumulation of osmolytes or antioxidants, plant growth regulators, stress proteins and water channel proteins, transcription factors and signal transduction pathways. Drought is one of the most detrimental forms of abiotic stress around the world and seriously limits the productivity of agricultural crops. Maize, one of the leading cereal crops in the world, is sensitive to drought stress. Maize harvests are affected by drought stress at different growth stages in different regions. Numerous events in the life of maize crops can be affected by drought stress: germination potential, seedling growth, seedling stand establishment, overall growth and development, pollen and silk development, anthesis silking interval, pollination, and embryo, endosperm and kernel development. Though every maize genotype has the ability to avoid or withstand drought stress, there is a concrete need to improve the level of adaptability to drought stress to address the global issue of food security. The most common biological strategies for improving drought stress resistance include screening available maize germplasm for drought tolerance, conventional breeding strategies, and marker-assisted and genomic-assisted breeding and development of transgenic maize. As a comprehensive understanding of the effects of drought stress, adaptive strategies and potential breeding tools is the prerequisite for any sound breeding plan, this brief addresses these aspects.§
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Drought Stress in Maize (Zea mays L.)

  • [Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    The richly illustrated expert contributions to this informative text add up to a comprehensive survey of every known characteristic of plant responses to the stresses of drought, presenting key concepts... Pełen opis produktu 'Plant Responses to Drought Stress' »

    The richly illustrated expert contributions to this informative text add up to a comprehensive survey of every known characteristic of plant responses to the stresses of drought, presenting key concepts as well as the very latest research findings.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Plant Responses to Drought Stress

  • [Springer International Publishing AG]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    environments. The authors' model of the developing distracted brain pinpoints effects of stress on cognitive and affective functions, most notably attention and memory, and suggests situations... Pełen opis produktu 'ADHD, Stress, and Development' »

    This first-of-its-kind volume revisits current findings on ADHD in terms of classic thinking on developmental neuropsychology for a more rounded concept of brain disorganization. Insights from Freud, Janet, John Hughlings Jackson, and other pioneers help identify mechanisms (e.g., the primitive reflexes) that can cause children with ADHD to be prone to cognitive dissociation when exposed to stressful environments. The authors' model of the developing distracted brain pinpoints effects of stress on cognitive and affective functions, most notably attention and memory, and suggests situations in which stimuli may facilitate integration between brain and mind. This expanded knowledge opens out new educational possibilities for vulnerable students as well as new opportunities for therapeutic breakthroughs for children with ADHD.Included in the coverage:· Definition, diagnosis, and epidemiology of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.· Historical and recent research on ADHD.· Attentional functions, executive dysfunctions, and stress, implications for ADHD.· Neural dissolution, dissociation, and stress in ADHD.· Attention, brain-mind integration and ADHD.· Implications for education and therapy of ADHD children.ADHD, Stress, and Development ably synthesizes past and current understanding into a robust framework with implications for real-world practice. It offers practitioners and researchers new perspectives and future directions in neuropsychology, psychiatry, child and school psychology, and pediatrics.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o ADHD, Stress, and Development

  • [Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    Stress is such an over-used word that it is at time difficult to define its core features. When is an environment stressful? What does a stressful environment do to the brain and to do the body?... Pełen opis produktu 'Behavioral Neurobiology of Stress-related Disorders' »

    Stress is such an over-used word that it is at time difficult to define its core features. When is an environment stressful? What does a stressful environment do to the brain and to do the body? What are the biological mechanisms by which a stressor affects us? How does stress contributes to the onset and the progression of mental disorders? How do the effects of stress change over the life-time of an individual? These are just some of the overarching questions addressed by this book, thanks to the contribution of some of the world leading experts on the neurobiology of stress at the pre-clinical and clinical levels. Topics include current advances on the neurobiology of stress on various neurobiological systems such as immune, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, neurotransmitter (glutamate, noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin and endocannabinoid), neuropeptides, cognition and emotional processing as well as in utero and early postnatal effects. The clinical chapters deal with the relationship of stress and mental disorders such as depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, substance abuse and addiction, dementia and age-related cognitive decline as well as resilience to stress. Thus, this book brings together some of the most updated and authoritative views on the effects of stress of brain and behavior.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Behavioral Neurobiology of Stress-related Disorders

  • [Springer]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    W. F. ARMSTRONG While stress echocardiography is not the first technique to be applied to patients for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease, it represents an impor tant clinical tool, lik... Pełen opis produktu 'Stress Echocardiography' »

    W. F. ARMSTRONG While stress echocardiography is not the first technique to be applied to patients for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease, it represents an impor tant clinical tool, likely to become of increasing pertinence in today's era of cost containment and mandated cost-effectiveness of diagnosis. It may be the most rapidly expanding area of clinical echocardiography today. Stress echocardiography as we know it today represents the natural con clusion and merger of observations made over fifty years ago. In 1935 Tenn ant and Wiggers demonstrated that the immediate result of a coronary oc clusion, was an instantaneous abnormality of wall motion [1]. As viewed from the surface of the heart in an open chest dog preparation, cyanosis and obvious paradoxical bulging of the left ventricular wall was noted. At a similar time Masters and co-workers, using fairly rudimentary exercise de vices, described the response of the human cardiovascular system to sustained exercise (Figure 1) [2]. These two observations diverged for four decades while clinical investigation was pursued along the two parallel lines.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Stress Echocardiography

  • [Springer International Publishing AG]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    by experts, the book concentrates on a wide variety of concerns associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including different treatments of PTSD. The text also looks at PTSD como... Pełen opis produktu 'Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Related Diseases in Combat Veterans' »

    This book takes a case-based approach to addressing the challenges psychiatrists and other clinicians face when working with American combat veterans after their return from a war zone. Written by experts, the book concentrates on a wide variety of concerns associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including different treatments of PTSD. The text also looks at PTSD comorbidities, such as depression and traumatic brain injury (TBI) and other conditions masquerading as PTSD. Finally, the authors touch on other subjects concerning returning veterans, including pain, disability, facing the end of a career, sleep problems , suicidal thoughts, violence, , and mefloquine "toxidrome". Each case study includes a case presentation, diagnosis and assessment, treatment and management, outcome and case resolution, and clinical pearls and pitfalls. §§ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Related Diseases in Combat Veterans is a valuable resource for civilian and military mental health practitioners, and primary care physicians on how to treat patients returning from active war zones.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Related Diseases in Combat Veterans

  • [Springer, Berlin]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    This edited volume provides state-of-the-art overview of abiotic stress responses and tolerance mechanisms of different legume crops viz., chickpea, mung bean, lentil, black gram, cowpea, clu... Pełen opis produktu 'Legumes: Physiology and Molecular Biology of Abiotic Stress Tolerance' »

    This edited volume provides state-of-the-art overview of abiotic stress responses and tolerance mechanisms of different legume crops viz., chickpea, mung bean, lentil, black gram, cowpea, cluster bean, soybean and groundnut.Legumes play an important role in human nutrition and soil health through fixation of nitrogen. Legume production and productivity are vulnerable to different abiotic stresses. A proper understanding about the physiological and molecular basis of the legume crops is essential for genetic improvement of abiotic stress tolerance.  This book consists of 15 chapters covering physiological and biochemical basis, molecular physiology, molecular breeding, genetics, genomics, transgenics, epigenetics of drought, saline, high temperature and nutrient deficiency stresses, and the role of microRNAs in abiotic stress tolerance. This volume offers new perspectives in legume crop abiotic stress management, and is useful for various stakeholders, including post graduates students, scientists, environmentalists and policymakers.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Legumes: Physiology and Molecular Biology of Abiotic Stress Tolerance

  • []

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Portuguese Azulejos Coloring Book for Relaxation, Meditation and Stress-Relief

  • [Springer Publishing Co Inc]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    A sequel to ""Stress, Appraisal and Coping"", this volume explores the trends in research and theory, focusing on the rationale for a cognitive-meditation approach to stress and emotions.... Pełen opis produktu 'Stress and Emotion' »

    A sequel to ""Stress, Appraisal and Coping"", this volume explores the trends in research and theory, focusing on the rationale for a cognitive-meditation approach to stress and emotions. It makes distinctions between social stress, physiological stress, and psychological stress.
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    Więcej o Stress and Emotion

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