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    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    Plongez dans ce portrait de l’un des personnages les plus appréciés de Stranger Things, Lucas Sinclair, pour apprendre à mieux le connaître.Cette aventure passionnante commence là où la saison... Pełen opis produktu 'Stranger Things - Lucas on the line (édition française)' »

    Plongez dans ce portrait de l’un des personnages les plus appréciés de Stranger Things, Lucas Sinclair, pour apprendre à mieux le connaître.Cette aventure passionnante commence là où la saison 3 s’est terminée et donne enfin la parole à Lucas Sinclair, puisqu’il nous raconte son histoire avec ses mots, à lui Lucas affronte les forces du mal qui sévissent dans sa ville depuis le début, mais il en a assez d’évoluer à la marge. Quand, à la rentrée du lycée, Lucas voit se profiler la possibilité d’un autre quotidien, qui ne tournerait pas exclusivement autour des jeux de rôle et des moqueries dont il a toujours été victime, il se demande s’il est vraiment condamné à rester invisible. Après s’être rapproché de l’un des autres rares élèves noirs du lycée, Lucas commence à se découvrir en dehors de son groupe d’amis. Il comprend peu à peu ce que cela représente d’être un adolescent noir à Hawkins.Sous la plume de Suyi Davies, qui a participé à Black Boy Joy, un recueil de nouvelles célébrant l’enfance de héros noirs, suivez la quête identitaire et amoureuse des personnages de l’univers si riche de Stranger Things, à travers le regard de Lucas Sinclair. 
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Stranger Things - Lucas on the line (édition française)


    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    rentabilizar películas. La cinta se titulaba Star Wars y su creador era un tal George Lucas. El cineasta aún volvería a dar elgolpe con la saga de Indiana Jones y, no contento con ello, llegó... Pełen opis produktu 'GEORGE LUCAS' »

    La biografía más completa jamás escrita sobre uno de los cineastas más admirados e influyentes de los últimos cincuenta a?os: GeorgesLucas.El 25 de mayo de 1977 se estrenó en apenas cuarenta salasestadounidenses un film con todos los números para fracasar. Sinembargo, pronto mereció grandiosos titulares hasta convertirse en unfenómeno de taquilla que cambió de un plumazo la manera de producir,anunciar y rentabilizar películas. La cinta se titulaba Star Wars y su creador era un tal George Lucas. El cineasta aún volvería a dar elgolpe con la saga de Indiana Jones y, no contento con ello, llegó aforjar peque?os imperios: Lucasfilm, THX, Industrial Light &,Magic, Pixar.En esta biografía, tanto colegas como competidores deLucas ofrecen una mirada exhaustiva sobre la vida y los métodos detrabajo de un hombre que transformó la manera de hacer cine y deverlo.Rese?as:«Todo en la trayectoria de Lucas en el cine, desde sus inicios hastasu actual estatus de leyenda, todo está aquí. Los retratos que ofrecen colegas, rivales, mentores y amigos son brutalmente honestos. Unabiografía indispensable.»Rolling Stone«Un libro adictivo. Jones retrata a la perfección lapresión asfixiante del creador, los encontronazos con los estudios yel baile constante con el fracaso que precedieron a obras maestrascomo American Graffiti o Star Wars.»BBC«Una biografía clara y veraz, donde hasta el más mínimo detallesorprende.»The New York Times«Como si de un aguerrido arqueólogo se tratara,Jones sale victorioso del reto, llevando bajo el brazo un relatoformidablemente completo de la vida y obra de George Lucas.»Washington Post «Con su prosa hipnótica y sus investigaciones enprofundidad, este libro gustará hasta a los seguidores más exigentesde Lucas.»Boston Globe«Incluso los a?os de formación del director estánretratados con maestría. También las reflexiones e interioridades decómo funciona la industria del cine (y cómo la cambió Lucas) se nosaparecen como una aventura trepidante.»Chicago Tribune
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o GEORGE LUCAS

  • [Schmidt Spiele]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Lucas Film, The Mandalorian, A New Direction

  • [University Press of America]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) is the most influential painter of the German Reformation. In collaboration with Martin Luther (1483-1546), Cranach produced innovative paintings which mad... Pełen opis produktu 'Lucas Cranach the Elder' »

    Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) is the most influential painter of the German Reformation. In collaboration with Martin Luther (1483-1546), Cranach produced innovative paintings which made the complex ideas of Lutheran Christianity understandable to a wide range of viewers and inspired later generations of artists. Despite Cranach's crucial role as an interpreter of Lutheran ideas, his Reformation paintings remain unfamiliar to many American scholars. Lucas Cranach the Elder: Art and Devotion of the German Reformation presents Cranach's Reformation painting to a broader audience and explains the pictorial strategies Cranach devised to clarify and interpret Lutheran thought. For specialists in Reformation history, this study offers an interpretation of Cranach's art as an agent of religious change. For historians and students of Renaissance art, this study explores the defining work of a major sixteenth-century artist. The broad implications of the Reformation and Cranach's role in transforming religious art make this study suitable for readers with a general interest in history, religion, or art history.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Lucas Cranach the Elder

  • [Schmidt Spiele]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Lucas Film, The Mandalorian, Turning point

  • [Bruno Books]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    Von der Welt bewundert, von der Sonne geküsst: Die Models von Lucas Entertainment erobern Urlaubsparadiese und zeigen sich an Stränden und Pools von ihrer freizügigsten Seite. Für Michael Lucas... Pełen opis produktu 'Lucas Men - Seaside Pleasures 2024' »

    Von der Welt bewundert, von der Sonne geküsst: Die Models von Lucas Entertainment erobern Urlaubsparadiese und zeigen sich an Stränden und Pools von ihrer freizügigsten Seite. Für Michael Lucas und die Produktionen von Lucas Entertainment, das größte Studio für schwule Erwachsenenunterhaltung an der US-Ostküste, geben und zeigen die schärfsten Männer der Welt seit über zwei Jahrzehnten alles. Genau das tun zwölf von ihnen auch in diesem Kalender.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Lucas Men - Seaside Pleasures 2024

  • [Back Bay Books]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    The essential biography of the influential and beloved filmmaker George Lucas. On May 25, 1977, a problem-plagued, budget-straining independent science-fiction film opened in a mere thirty-t... Pełen opis produktu 'George Lucas: A Life' »

    The essential biography of the influential and beloved filmmaker George Lucas. On May 25, 1977, a problem-plagued, budget-straining independent science-fiction film opened in a mere thirty-two American movie theaters. Conceived, written, and di
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o George Lucas: A Life

  • [Createspace Independent Publishing Platform]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    LucasWhen Ava Huss, the only woman I ever loved, left without a word after my horrific motorcycle crash, I didn't pursue her. The crash left me broken, and the ensuing two years have been hell. My billions... Pełen opis produktu 'An Unlikely Deal (Lucas & Ava #1)' »

    LucasWhen Ava Huss, the only woman I ever loved, left without a word after my horrific motorcycle crash, I didn't pursue her. The crash left me broken, and the ensuing two years have been hell. My billions can't make up for what's wrong wi
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o An Unlikely Deal (Lucas & Ava #1)

  • [Candlewick Pr]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    Winner of the 2017 Pura Belpr Author AwardFans of Judy Moody and Clarice Bean will love Juana, the spunky young Colombian girl who stars in this playful, abundantly illustrated new series. Juana loves... Pełen opis produktu 'Juana and Lucas' »

    Winner of the 2017 Pura Belpr Author AwardFans of Judy Moody and Clarice Bean will love Juana, the spunky young Colombian girl who stars in this playful, abundantly illustrated new series. Juana loves many things -- drawin
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Juana and Lucas

  • [Schmidt Spiele]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Lucas Film, Star Wars, A Son's Destiny

  • [Hirmer Verlag GmbH]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    dieser Malerpersönlichkeit im Dialog mit ausgewählten Werken seines Lehrers Lucas Cranach d. Ä., von dem er wichtige Impulse erfuhr.Mit der veränderten Auftragslage im Zuge der Reformation erfanden... Pełen opis produktu 'Lucas Cranach der Ältere und Hans Kemmer' »

    Hans Kemmer (um 1495/1500-1561) gilt als ideenreicher Maler der Reformation in Lübeck. Er war hervorragend vernetzt und erhielt große Aufträge. Anlässlich seines 460. Todesjahrs widmet sich der Band dieser Malerpersönlichkeit im Dialog mit ausgewählten Werken seines Lehrers Lucas Cranach d. Ä., von dem er wichtige Impulse erfuhr.Mit der veränderten Auftragslage im Zuge der Reformation erfanden Lucas Cranach d. Ä. und sein Schüler Hans Kemmer ganz neue Bildthemen. Nach seiner Gesellenzeit in Wittenberg kehrte Kemmer in seine Heimatstadt Lübeck zurück und wurde zum wichtigsten Maler. Das Buch beleuchtet die Beziehung zwischen den beiden Künstlern, stellt die neuen Bildthemen vor, befasst sich mit dem historischen Kontext und präsentiert neue Ergebnisse. Damit stehen die spannenden Veränderungen auf dem Weg vom Mittelalter in die frühe Neuzeit im Mittelpunkt.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Lucas Cranach der Ältere und Hans Kemmer

  • [Salzgeber]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    In this unique collection of black and white photography, acclaimed artist Gruenholtz has accomplished something very rare in male erotica. In the style of a classic fine-art photo documentarist, he captures... Pełen opis produktu 'Uncensored: My Year Behind the Scenes with Michael Lucas and His Models' »

    In this unique collection of black and white photography, acclaimed artist Gruenholtz has accomplished something very rare in male erotica. In the style of a classic fine-art photo documentarist, he captures the fascinating world of gay adult entertainment
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Uncensored: My Year Behind the Scenes with Michael Lucas and His Models

  • [John Wiley & Sons Inc]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    The revised and updated edition of the book that changed the way you think about trading In the Second Edition of this groundbreaking book by star trader Jeff Greenblatt, he continues to shares his... Pełen opis produktu 'Breakthrough Strategies for Predicting Any Market, Second Edition - Charting Elliott Wave, Lucas, Fibonacci, Gann, and Time for Profit' »

    The revised and updated edition of the book that changed the way you think about trading In the Second Edition of this groundbreaking book by star trader Jeff Greenblatt, he continues to shares his hard-won lessons on what it takes to be a professional trader, while detailing his proven techniques for mastering market timing. With the help of numerous case studies and charts, Greenblatt develops his original high-probability pattern recognition system which, once mastered, endows its user with a deeper understanding of how the markets really work and boosts the efficiency of any trading methodology. Following in the footsteps of the great W.D. Gann, Jeff Greenblatt helps investors gain greater precision with any instrument they trade, during any time frame.Shows how to combine a variety of technical indicators to pinpoint turning points in the financial markets Makes even the most complex subject matter easy to understand with crystal-clear explanations and step-by-step guidance on all concepts, terms, processes, and techniques Reveals how to use Elliott Wave Analysis, Fibonacci, candlesticks, and momentum indicators to interpret market movements Breakthrough Strategies for Predicting Any Market shares fascinating and enlightening personal anecdotes from Jeff Greenblatt's career along with his candid reflection on developing and maintaining the mental discipline of a successful trader.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Breakthrough Strategies for Predicting Any Market, Second Edition - Charting Elliott Wave, Lucas, Fibonacci, Gann, and Time for Profit

  • [Random House Children's Books]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Stranger Things: Lucas on the Line

  • [EMBER]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Stranger Things: Lucas on the Line

  • [Bruno Books]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    Männer ohne Tabus, Schönheit ohne Grenzen. Michael Lucas, Gründer und Star von Lucas Entertainment, dem größten Studio für Erwachsenenunterhaltung an der Ostküste der Vereinigten Staaten,... Pełen opis produktu 'Lucas Men International 2024' »

    Männer ohne Tabus, Schönheit ohne Grenzen. Michael Lucas, Gründer und Star von Lucas Entertainment, dem größten Studio für Erwachsenenunterhaltung an der Ostküste der Vereinigten Staaten, bringt seit jeher die schärfsten Männer der Welt dazu, alles zu zeigen. Die atemberaubend schönen Models seines Studios werden weltweit bewundert. In diesem Kalender lassen zwölf von ihnen alle Hüllen fallen.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Lucas Men International 2024

  • [Hatje Cantz]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    - Most popular painter of the German Renaissance- Cranach exhibition in Vienna- Third volume of the A-Z series - Most popular painter of the German Renaissance- Cranach exhibition in Vienna- Third volume... Pełen opis produktu 'Lucas Cranach (German edition)' »

    - Most popular painter of the German Renaissance- Cranach exhibition in Vienna- Third volume of the A-Z series - Most popular painter of the German Renaissance- Cranach exhibition in Vienna- Third volume of the A-Z series
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Lucas Cranach (German edition)

  • [Hatje Cantz]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    - Most popular painter of the German Renaissance- Cranach exhibition in Vienna - Third volume of the A-Z series - Most popular painter of the German Renaissance- Cranach exhibition in Vienna - Third volume... Pełen opis produktu 'Lucas Cranach' »

    - Most popular painter of the German Renaissance- Cranach exhibition in Vienna - Third volume of the A-Z series - Most popular painter of the German Renaissance- Cranach exhibition in Vienna - Third volume of the A-Z series
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Lucas Cranach

  • [John Wiley & Sons Inc]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    This Second Edition continues to be the largest comprehensive study in the field and reflects a user-friendly and historical approach to the myriad of properties of both Fibonacci and Lucas n... Pełen opis produktu 'Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers with Applications' »

    This Second Edition continues to be the largest comprehensive study in the field and reflects a user-friendly and historical approach to the myriad of properties of both Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. Fibonacci and Lucas numbers have intrigued amateurs and professionals for centeries, and this book offers analysis of these famous integers, complete with a wealth of exciting applications, enlightening examples, and fun exercises that provide numerous opportunities for exploration and experimentation. The book is easily accessible to college and even high school students, though advanced material is included to challenge more sophisticated Fibonacci enthusiasts. A historical survey of the development of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers are provided as well as biographical sketches of intriguing personalties involved in developing the subject. Illustrative examples round out the book, and most chapters conclude with numeric and theoretical exercises that do not rely on long and tedious proofs of theorems. The Second Edition features new coverage of Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers and polynomials; Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal-Lucas numbers and polynomials; combinatorial interpretations of Fibanocci and Pell families; a table of the first 100 Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers as well as table of the first 100 Jacobsthal and Jaconsthal-Lucas numbers; and plentiful ew exercises and examples throughout. The book includes solutions to all odd-numbered problems, and the solutions to the even-numbered problems can be obtained via written request to the Publisher.
    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers with Applications

  • [Harper Collins Publishers]

    Kategoria: Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

    Biography of the man behind the }Star Wars{ and trans-global marketing phenomenon. 24 b/w plates.

    Ranking : 0

    Więcej o George Lucas

Książki - przewodnik kupujących online Sklep wpisany: 25.06.2015
createspace independent publishing platform, independently published, cambridge university press, oxford university press, penguin books, taylor & francis ltd, little, brown book group, legare street pr, john wiley & sons inc, bloomsbury publishing
Produkty w ofercie: 600000
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